Well, it's been ages since I wrote - sorry! I find it hard to take the time to do that sometimes!
I'm in the throes of anxiety & probably seasonal affect disorder, but the politics around here aren't helping. Wisconsin's "finest" governor, Scott Walker has proposed ending all collective bargaining for the unions in the state, including my Wisconsin Education Association union. This would open up every state employee to have no rights as an individual.
I'm going crazy with worry about how this is going to affect me & my family. And he is trying to push all of this legislation through in about a week so there is no time for people to react & work on compromise. He sees no possibility of compromise. Walker alerted the Nat'l Guard before he announced his proposal - worrying about people's reactions? Worrying about prison guards going on strike? Worrying that he is proposing something so completely radical & out there that it has no business being said, let alone pushed through our state assembly?
Walker has no concern for how this is going to screw up our state. I officially disown his governorship over me - it's a dictatorship & he owns the assembly to get his way. I kinda feel like Hitler started the same way... just sayin'.
I'll fill you in on everything else another time...